Replace versus Repair? TP’s Capital Assessments Guide Our Service Customers




Replace versus Repair? TP’s Capital Assessments Guide Our Service Customers

TP’s service team is committed to helping our customers save money on costly equipment repairs and unnecessary replacements. For this reason, we have developed a unique capital assessment and planning program for our service customers. 

Our capital assessments are developed annually using equipment data paired with real repair costs tracked within our service software program. We use color coding methods to categorize equipment based on type, age and typical lifecycle. This data, coupled with the service logs, provides our customers with an educated projection of the equipment’s lifespan.  

Armed with this information, the TP service team advises customers on an annual basis on the most cost-effective options and guides budget planning for replacement or repairs for the coming year and beyond. 

While we cannot predict the exact day and time equipment will fail, our capital assessments provide customers with a comprehensive equipment overview so they can make informed decisions and save money. 

To learn more about our capital assessment and preventative maintenance services, contact a TP representative at 513-851-8881. 


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